Senin, 14 November 2011

peta busway transjakarta koridor

Berikut peta busway yar gak nyasar bagi para kaum urban...

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

Download Software NUPTK

Kementrian Agama RI sedang melakukan pendataan untuk semua sekolah dibawah naungan DEPAG baik RA, MI, MTS dan juga MA guna mempermudah pendataan maka dibuatlah instrumen pendataan personal masing-masing sekolah. Peserta pendataan ini seluruh warga sekolah baik siswa maupun guru dan karyawan dalam lingkungan sekolah. Dalam salah satu form ada no NUPTK. NUPTK ( Nomor Unik Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan) adalah kode pengenal guru yang bersifat unik dan membedakan satu guru dengan guru lainnya. Karena di situs susah di akses berikut saya sediakan link download alternatifnya. Semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar anda. Terimakasih.
 Cara menggunakannya:
  1. Pilih kata kunci pencarian (NUPTK, nama PTK, Sekolah/madrasah,pendidikan non formal, pengawas)
  2. Pilih propnsi
  3. Pilih kabupaten/ kota
  4. Pilih kecamatan, kemudian klik cari

Silahkan  klik  DOWNLOAD NUPTK

 label: Free nuptk search, nomor unik pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, daerah jawa tengah, jawa barat, kabupaten tegal.

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Free Qur'an in MS Word and Ms Excel

Now we can read and learn holy Qur'an in MS Word and MS Excel very easy. It like addons in Mozilla. Let's learn Qur'an.
  1. Qur'an for Ms Word 
  2. Qur'an for Ms Excel   

earn money by upload

Senin, 04 April 2011

Community Language Learning Method Lesson Plan

Below is the example of Community Language Method ( CLL ) Lesson plan of the fifth grade at Elementary School.


School                               : SD N Mindaka 01 Tarub
Subject                               : English Language
Grade/ Semester                : 5/ 2
Topic                                 : Library
Standart  Competence       :
1.      Listening
Understand the easies’ instruction with action in school context.            
2.      Speaking
Give experience the easies’ instruction and information in school context.
3.      Reading
Understand the easies’ English written in school context.
4.      Writing
Spell and copies simple sentence in school context.                   
Basic Competence             :
1.1    The response of simple instruction with action way in school and class context.
6.2    Conversation for giving/ accepting service that involve speech action in asking help, giving help, ask and give something.
7.1  Reading by pronoun, stress, intonation in exact and acceptable which word, phrase, simple sentence, and simple text involved.
8.1  Spell simple sentences in correct about thank expression.

Continue reading click to Downlod

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

GTM Lesson Plan


School                               : SD N Mindaka 01 Tarub
Subject                              : English Language
Grade/ Semester                : 5/ 2
Topic                                 : Library
Standart  Competence       :
1.      Listening
Understand the easies’ instruction with action in school context.    
2.      Speaking
Give experience the easies’ instruction and information in school context.
3.      Reading
Understand the easies’ English written in school context.
4.      Writing
Spell and copies simple sentence in school context.              
Basic Competence             :
1.1    The response of simple instruction with action way in school and class context.
6.2    Conversation for giving/ accepting service that involve speech action in asking help, giving help, ask and give something.
7.1  Reading by pronoun, stress, intonation in exact and acceptable which word, phrase, simple sentence, and simple text involved.
8.1  Spell simple sentences in correct about thank expression.