Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

GTM Lesson Plan


School                               : SD N Mindaka 01 Tarub
Subject                              : English Language
Grade/ Semester                : 5/ 2
Topic                                 : Library
Standart  Competence       :
1.      Listening
Understand the easies’ instruction with action in school context.    
2.      Speaking
Give experience the easies’ instruction and information in school context.
3.      Reading
Understand the easies’ English written in school context.
4.      Writing
Spell and copies simple sentence in school context.              
Basic Competence             :
1.1    The response of simple instruction with action way in school and class context.
6.2    Conversation for giving/ accepting service that involve speech action in asking help, giving help, ask and give something.
7.1  Reading by pronoun, stress, intonation in exact and acceptable which word, phrase, simple sentence, and simple text involved.
8.1  Spell simple sentences in correct about thank expression.

Indicator                            :
1.      Can mention everything in the library.
2.      Conversation about asking and giving request.
3.       Reading by pronoun, stress, intonation in the sentence that use can and must.
4.      Can be write the simple sentence in exact.
Time alocation                    : 4 x 35 minutes (2 x meeting)
Goal                                    :
1.      Students can identify about information in simple sentences.
2.      Students can identify about information in descriptive text.

-          Newspaper
-          Encyclopedia
-          Story book
-          Map
-          Library card
-          Library
-          Librarian
-          Books
-          Magazine
-          Dictionary

b.      Text page
Ria is an Elementary School’s student. She studies in Mindaka Elementary School. Her school has a big and clean library. The library has many kinds of books. There are many story books there. Ria likes reading magazines. Her friends also like borrowing some books from the library. They go there at the break time. Ria and her friends have the library cards. They use the cards to borrow the books.

Expect of Student characteristics:
·         Trustworthines
·         Respect
·         Diligence
·         Responsibility
·         Courage
Teaching Method               : Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
Teaching and Learning Activity:
  1. Introduction
Apperception and Motivation:
  • Teacher check students attendance.
  • Teacher asks students about everything that involve with the topics.
  • Teacher gives stimulus to the students to remember the vocabularies that involve with the topic.
  • Teacher greets students , introduces himself & students introduce themselves (native language)
  • Teacher explains what students will be doing

2.    Activity
Ø  Explorations
In this activity:
1)        Teacher appear the text page to the students in English language.
2)        Teacher give guideline to students
3)        The class reads a text written in the target language.
Ø  Elaboration
In this session:
1)        Teacher gives instruction to the students.
2)        Student translate the passage from the target language to their mother tongue.
3)        The teacher asks the students in their native language if they have any questions, students ask questions and the teacher answers the questions in their native language.
4)        Students write out the answers to reading comprehension questions.
5)        Students translate new words from the target language to their mother tongue.
6)        Student are given a grammar rule and based on the example the apply the rule by using the new words.
7)        Student memorize vocabulary.
8)        The teacher asks students to state the grammar rule.
9)        Students memorize the rule.
10)         Errors are corrrected by providing the right answer.
Ø  Confirmations
In this chapter, teacher:
1)      Teacher ask the students about everything that students have not known
2)      Teacher with the students discuss about the material. And make a resume.
3.  Closer
In this session, teacher:
Teacher makes a relation the material with the students real live.
Tools & Equipments:
  1. Text book Let’s Make Friends with English, Siti Eryda Lubis Pulungan, jilid 5, Esis
  2. Dictionary
  3. Text page.
        Ria is an Elementary School’s student. She studies in Mindaka Elementary School. Her school has a big and clean library. The library has many kinds of books. There are many story books there. Ria likes reading magazines. Her friends also like borrowing some books from the library. They go there at the break time. Ria and her friends have the library cards. They use the cards to borrow the books.

1.      Does Ria’s school have a library?
a.       Yes, it has
b.      Yes, it is
c.       No, it isn’t
d.      No it hasn’t

2.      Ria likes to read ................
a.       Catalogue
b.      Book
c.       Newspaper
d.      Magazine

Scorring :
            Nilai = ( Jumlah skor : jumlah skor maksimal ) X 10.
            Score =  X 10

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